thierry delsart

Thierry is an excellent professional in hotel photography, specialized in the area of food and drink, but with a wealth of experience in the areas of rooms and experiences.

His camera is his canvas and light is his brush. In his photos, he transports us to those magical places, where he makes us feel the same sensations as if we saw him for real and we want to touch, smell and feel what we see.

He took the first photos of him at the age of 10 and has remained in love with the camera ever since. He studied art direction and creativity in Graphic Communication, the photography subject of the first year strengthened his passion, but it remained a hobby.

In his twenty years of profession as an Art Director, he has dedicated himself to improving the positioning of products from advertising. During this period, he took advantage of publicity photo sessions with great photographers of all specialties to learn from them everything he still needed to know about photography and lighting technique. Now it has been more than 17 years since he has turned his passion into his profession.